Bathroom Plumbing
Browse our latest Bathroom Plumbing adverts. Our classified listings are added by individual sellers within the Plymouth area. If you have any Bathroom Plumbing you would like to sell, and you live in Plymouth, find a buyer today and list your items for free.
Bathroom Plumbing
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Chaffoteaux & Maury Unvented Hot Water Storage Cylinder
Stainless steel tank Chaffoteaux & Maury Model ITI 210 12 bar pressure tested unvented hot water storage cylinder. 200 litre capacity. Purchased new 2004, (model guarranteed for 25 years) sale due to replacement with dual coil tank. Installation and user manual included. Buyer to collect....
For Sale : £150
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Home, Furniture & DIY
- Appliances
- Bathroom
- Bath Accessory Sets
- Bath Mats
- Bath Pillows
- Bath Screens
- Bathroom Suites
- Baths
- Caddies & Organisers
- Mirrors
- Non-Slip Mats & Stickers
- Plumbing
- Rubber Ducks & Bath Toys
- Saunas
- Scales
- Shower Curtain Hooks
- Shower Curtain Rails
- Shower Curtains
- Shower Enclosure & Unit Sets
- Shower Enclosures
- Shower Plumbing
- Sinks
- Soap Dishes & Dispensers
- Taps
- Tile Decals
- Toilet Brushes & Holders
- Toilet Roll Holders
- Toilet Seats
- Toilets & Bidets
- Toothbrush Holders
- Towel Rails
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