Beauty Salons in Plymouth
Browse our Plymouth directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Beauty Salons in Plymouth. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Plymouth Beauty Salons listings. If you represent a Plymouth business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
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Radiant Skincare & Beauty
Radiant Skincare & Beauty are qualified experts in skincare, and offer a range of professional skincare and beauty treatments. Based within The Lime Lounge in Plymouth, they provide a range of...
35-37 Mayflower Street, Plymouth, Devon. Tel: 07752 216077
Transform your brows and lashes with Permalash Eyelash & Eyebrow tint, the professionals favourite. Transform your look with Permalash a high-quality, premium and professional lash and brow tint....
132 Melrose Avenue, Plymouth, Devon. Tel: 01752 936822
Connor James
Relax, Unwind, Enjoy! That is the Connor James saying. Looking and feeling great doesn't have to cost the earth with Connor James! Hi I'm Clare and I am a fully qualified beauty therapist and...
42 Wilton Street, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon. Tel: 07722 825254
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